My gift to you: 13 minutes worth of Rube Goldberg machines complete with catchy Japanese jingle and folk-pop song. Enjoy!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
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4:05 PM
1 things I forgot to mention...
Monday, May 07, 2007
Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!
First off, you all need to read Watership Down by Richard Adams. I just finished it and it now has a permanent place in my best-books list.
So here's the thing about youth rallies: I can stay awake longer than the kids; I enjoy the speaker, band, events, etc; and it takes me about a week to get anything done after they're done. Why is inspiration so draining? On that note, checkout Michael Frost's lectures at I highly recommend them.
I'm busy as all get out. I'm also sick (though almost through with that). And last night, while emcee-ing (as pastor) a southern gospel quartet concert at the church, the format, direction, and message of next Sunday's service/sermon came together in my mind. For those of you who know my penchant for getting things done early, this will come as no surprise. It's all about the concept of Missio Dei - The "Mission of God" or "God's Mission" or "God as Mission" and, thereby, "Mission as Love". Basically the idea is that mission is not an office or activity or program or focus of the church... it is its source, purpose, existence, definition. But here's the catch, I'm not sure how to tie it all into Mother's day. On the other hand, this is the last Sunday I preach before Bob gets back from vacation and the last Sunday before Annual Meeting. Don't think for a second that this means I want to play it safe... frankly, though my job is mostly certain for at least another year, I'd kind of like to twang the threads of fate a little and tick some folks off their pews and into living Christ. I'd like to risk my livelihood and stir things up a little, if just to kick our Constantinian religion in the teeth and spread some love. Maybe I need to stop listening to Michael Frost for a little bit here... or maybe I'll just take up his challenge for pastors to work themselves out of a job.
I'm pushing my limits these days... whether the day be dark or light. I'm either going to collapse or march through. I think, perhaps, that I will buy a guitar.
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5:59 PM
things I forgot to mention...