There are three pieces of media that I have enjoyed and glistened in tonight. I highly recommend anyone check them out.
The first was a music video by Sigur Ros: Glósóli
It is a very beautiful and artistic video (as theirs always are) but I won't spoil it by breaking it down and filleting its message (it may not even have one). I just liked it a lot and what it made let me think muse.
The second was a movie we rented: Millions
It is a British film that tells a story about two brothers who find a bag full of cash and how that all plays out. Part of the premise is that "E-Day" is coming (the day when all British Pounds are converted to Euros and old paper money becomes useless--the movie was made before Britain backed out of that plan) and the brothers have very little time with which to use the money. Anyway, I will not give away any more. Just go get it. I know it is classed as a "Family" title and, therefore, assumed to be childish but it really is a beautiful film and well worth it (more child-like than childish anyway).
Finally, another music video. Johnny Cash: Hurt
A very interesting video that is actually a Nine Inch Nails cover. The line "and you could have it all, my empire of dirt" with images of golden records and icons of fame in disarray caused me to think. I might just buy this album.
"Everyone I know goes away in the end" --The Man in Black/NIN
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Worth Watching
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4:20 AM
1 things I forgot to mention...
Friday, January 20, 2006 begins
I am a perfectionist. I like things just so. My first blog weblog entry sets the tone for the rest of my writing. I need to be both pithy and witty, preferably at the same time.
You see (or perhaps you don't), introductions were never my strong suit (or casual wear). So, instead of endlessly procrastinating for a time I have begun my entries talking about how it can be difficult to start things (especially if they must be just so).
Sure... I'm taking a risk as to where this entry will direct the rest and I know as soon as I press "post" I'll be unhappy with it. But, in this case, perseverance and sarcasm have defeated perfectionism and self-consciousness (though ironically this is an experiment in my consciousness of self). Besides, this is a blog! Have you (meaning me--now I'm on to self-talk) seen what some (most) people post out there?! I mean, c'mon! Why not add my voice to the digital din of chaotic musings and reflections.
Ah, now there is something: reflection. I don't care what CNN says about weblogging (they're just jealous of the responsible reporting going on), It has provided a venue for reflection. True, it is up to you (still meaning me) how deep or relative you are, but in this mass-sieve-media-saturated-techno-dominated culture of ours, it is curious to see such an ancient necessity--personal reflection--in the midst of the Internet of all places!
Well, there you go. Just when I thought I had nothing to say but the nothing I had to say, I end up reflecting on reflection. I'll try this again later...
Brought to you by
2:42 AM
things I forgot to mention...