Monday, March 26, 2007

How'd you do?--I see you've met my...

...faithful handyman...

Well, that was fun. Tonight was opening night for the little play I'm in (check it out here). I play a body guard who looks FBI/MIB-ish and is a self-proclaimed hyper-intellectual. It's quite fun. But, hey, I knew it would be when I found out I get to wear shades and a black suit the whole time and shoot people with blowdarts. Really, the only problem is the makeup makes me look like Boy-George from up close (apparently it looks fine from the audience, however). Alright. Now I've just got to get through 3 more nights of this play. But, like I said, we're off to a good start. Ah well.

I did have some thoughts I was going to write here about the yeast of the pharisees and white-washed tombs, but the play has got me in a better mood than that so I'll wait till later. Well, time for bed (and what a bed it is).

"I thought you were going to wake me at 6:30."
"I also said women like men who are shaped like potatoes. Can you find the pattern here?"

(BTW, you're going to have to look very hard for my hidden comments since I changed the template of my blog)


Anonymous said...

lol, I very much enjoyed the hidden comments, they were easy for me to find since I naturally read with mouse pointer.

a Mamacita said...

Jon - you're so silly!! But your son and I really enjoyed watching you play "Conroy" last night! :)

Troy said...

ok, it's killing me, how does one personalize what the "comments" thingy says at the bottom of each post?

Jon said...

Troy: from the blogger dashboard you click on "layout"; then click "edit" in the "blog posts" box; then just fill in what you want it to say where it says "5 [comments]"

jSharky said...

Nice look it has too.

As for the theatre thing, wearing makeup is something that I've had to get used to as well. It's supposed to accentuate the facial features (especially for those who are sitting farther away in the audience). I find that baby wipes are quite useful in removing it (especially if they cake it on). Ahh, theatre...

R said...

You? In a play?

R said...

Post much?

a Mamacita said...

So where's this post that you've apparently been working on?